After the doctor left, I burst into tears. Endless hours of research went on from my hospital room. I'm a realist, I needed to know everything that could possibly happen with Placenta Accreta. I stumbled upon an amazing support group Hope for Accreta. It was a group of women who have all been through this diagnosis and they gave it to me straight. In that moment, while it was so easy to be depressed and even angry over this diagnosis I had to be positive. I had to be positive for myself, my health, my family and for my unborn child. For the next 4 weeks I was on hospital bed rest, with my mother by my side every day and night. My husband suddenly became Mr. Mom taking care of our son. I filled my room with motivational quotes and inspiration. I put a sign on my hospital door that said "Positive attitudes only" I would allow no negative thoughts to enter my space while dealing with this. I felt it was the only way I could survive.
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