A message of never giving up…
First, I am so thankful for meeting my trainer, friend and all round Superwoman of this website, Mell, and I am so honored to have been asked to write for this inspirational website.
I thought long about the angle I wanted to go and the one that influenced me more was that for a long time, you are constantly, especially in this day and age, talked about, via your accomplishments or the ’results’ as they say. But for me, it is about the journey and what encourages us along the way, not only to keep going and do well, but also to get up when things break us. To get us back to standing tall and walking on.
I am a proud Australian, who left my country at 18, to pursue my passion and dream as a Dancer, Actress, Model and Creative Director. I started performing when I was 3 years old and as I have always said, it is my movement and dance that have been the red ribbon that thread my life together. It was the passion that I always escaped into when things were hard, but also, when things were good.
When I moved to Sydney from a beautiful, but limiting for myself, coastal city, I worked in the Entertainment Industry and also had my own successful Pilates Company. I had to make a hard choice, one I will never regret. I traveled to Europe and then to Hollywood, where I am now. I work in Film, Commercial and Motion Capture for Gaming. This all sounds like quite the journey, but what is left out of this is the hard times, struggles and sacrifices that come with going for your dream, or for just the life you want to live.
When asked, “Where do you get your drive and determination from?” – I believe it is from this part of my story… I was 19 years old and in a near fatal car accident in Coogee, NSW, Australia. It was this accident that could have taken my life, which forced me to stop and re-evaluate. It was my rehabilitation, using the Pilates Method, which had me moving again. I was told I would never move the same way, but here I am, 10 years later and it is my movement that I am known for. I believe this time was a blessing – I know it may sound strange to say, but I was being torn in many directions in the Industry and I feel it was angels above who were like, “Stop, and find your Balance!”
I love the dynamic and beautiful practice of Pilates and how it was the Exercise Science of Pilates that truly repaired my shoulder. I am where I am today because of it. I studied the Practice; taught it and it became the ‘bread and butter’ along with my Performing, that balanced my soul. This part of my life is close to my heart because I feel people just see the person you are right now, the one often portrayed on social media and it is the ones that want to really know your journey and you, that help make it all worth the ride.
When asked to write this, I thought, “What is the most inspiring thing that can help others to grow and feel they can better themselves?” To be strong is not to wish you were me, or where I am, but to know that I am as normal and have as many imperfections as you. Just being yourself is what really makes you unique and also, once you truly live that 100%, you really do find the world around you isn't as exhausting because you are waking up to the truth.
I have only just realized how beautiful imperfections are.
I was asked recently where I get my strength and my positivity from, and the truth is, it is from 2 very special people in my life. It is not the famous Actor, Dancer, Model, or that Million Dollar Man that inspires me, although they sure do give me drive; but what gives me strength is my Parents.
The reason for my title, The Woman in the Blazer is because for me, I learned very young, from my Mum and Dad, to not give up, and to be you. I remember being very little and I would see my Mum come home from work and I would think – here she is, looking beautiful in her blazer, straight from work and her HUGE black 80’s hair style. She’d come in from work, kiss Dad, have dinner ready, and sit there and talk to me about my day. I thought to myself, you can have it all – the career, the best friend in your husband, and the family. She was my vision of this Superwoman and it was in her, that my will and passion to go for my dreams became ignited.
My little Family, you could think by now, had it all. But like all of us, we all have our hard times, our stories. For myself, my Mum, my Superwoman I just spoke of, has been battling cancer for over 15+ years now. I cannot tell you the amount of pressure that is brought onto a family and even her. This disease has created so much anguish that I want to kick it in the face (sorry, but true). Over so many years of pain, suffering and fear of the unknown, my Mum has always kept smiling.
She worked with children with disabilities, and it broke my heart when she was unable to work anymore. She loved seeing the faces of the children when she walked in the room and knew she was making a difference. Again, it was her strength and her positivity that keeps her with us – still with us. Even now, after being told she may only have so much time left, and able to be put on a trial drug, we don't let it bring us to a point of a final chapter or an ending – we will just re-write our story a little different. No one can tell you how your life will be, you must continue to be positive and drive the energy into your next Chapter. Believe you can…
My Father, my main man, my best friend, he too had his own scares with health over the years with a stroke but still to this day, he stays so uplifted and positive to make sure his Girls are happy and most of all, life is lived.
No one ever talks about the pressures that come with having illness in your Family. Waking up everyday not knowing when you can lose someone and being away pursuing your dreams is the hardest breathe to take, but I do. My parents always encouraged me to have a positive outlook, to live and be true to your heart. They insist I do this, because that is what makes them the happiest.
I remember when my Mum first got Botox in her throat for Spasmodic Dysphonia (a Neurological Disorder that affects voice muscles in the larynx or voice box). A lot of people do not realize the amazing results Botox can have to help with this Dysphonia and instead of being negative and “Oh poor me.” my Mum came home and said, “Look how FABULOUS my neck looks – Botox Darling!” She receives injections into her vocal cords every 4 months, and so do many others. Mum took a very hard topic and spun it into humor. That is how we live our lives. We take a situation and yes, it can break you. Yes, you can hurt. Yes, you can’t see the light, but in a few breathes, maybe more, it is the will to stand tall, put on your shoes and keep going, that truly is my inspiration for where I am today.
This is where I get my undeniable will from, my strength and ability to get up and keep going when you so badly want to just say, “enough”. So, like I said at the beginning, it is about the journey. I hope I am also that “Woman in the Blazer” – just like my strong Mum.
“In life, you need to not run away from hard times, you need to walk the same footsteps but wear different shoes” – Wendy Swan, my Mum
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Sending love, luck & calm vibes.