Grieving a loss is quite possibly the hardest emotion one can be faced with. For us, it is the loss of a son and the loss of a father.
Although grieving is a dark, mind-numbing, and hopeless place, we found light through our friendship. We instinctually knew we had to help each other continue to pull that light out and more often.
The idea for her well-wisher began as a need to bring out that light in other women. Through lots of shining moments and many wine infused nights on a small front patio in Huntington Beach, Ca. her well-wisher began.
We sit here a year later in awe of how many women have come on this journey with us! 22 women have opened their hearts, shared some of their most raw moments, allowed us to see their darkness that changed so beautifully into a bright, wild, and free light. A light that shines on other women, encouraging them to keep going, empowering them to share their voice and embracing them no matter what.
We sit here a year later with the deepest gratitude for your involvement in her well-wisher. Through likes, shares, follows, friends, and word-of-mouth we truly are in this together! If you haven't, we encourage you to tell your story. Be the light, the hope, in someone’s life -- help her understand that she is not alone.
A very special "Thank You!" goes out to the 22 women who have shared their story through her well-wisher this year:
Shanna, Gina, Taryn, Lynnette, Merisa, Britney, Allison, Carolyn, Ashley, Tracy, Melissa, Jenny, Nicole, Sherry, Ariana, Desiree, Alicia, Jillian, Molly, Mackenzie, Dani, Lauren
Join us in raising a glass to many more years of story telling & shining!
Sending love, luck & calm vibes,
Mell & Paisley